The Most Effective Anti-Spam Softwares

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Spam is the nightmare of today’s mailboxes. They arrive constantly, without asking for anything and you don’t know how to avoid them. All email providers (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook, Orange), well aware of the nuisance these emails represent, are working to develop technologies and methods to intercept spam before it reaches your inbox. But for those who wish to go further, anti-spam softwares exist and provide additional protection. In this article, you will discover the best anti-spam softwares to download to vaccinate your mailboxes for good against these annoying emails.

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  1. McAfee : The anti-virus and anti-spam combination of this software has appealed 125 million users around the world. McAfee protects all your devices (desktop, laptop, tablet …) and all your operating systems (IOS, Window, Android …)
    • Price: One year subscription (unlimited devices) for € 39.97

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  1. Postbox : this multi-functional software allows you to customize your mailbox while installing a spam tool in your email.
    • Price: 39 € in total (possibility of starting with 30 days free trial)

Free Anti-Spam Software

  1. Spamihilator : this anti-spam software automatically recognizes spam emails (with an accuracy of 98%), and has a training platform for its spam filter, from which it is possible to customize spam and non-spam lists.
  2. SpamCombat : another free anti-spam software, which prevents spam from arriving in your email. With SpamCombat, you also have the option to see statistics on intercepted spam emails.

Spam Emails And Newsletters: Free Anti-Newsletters Software

Your e-mail and anti-spam software only intercept spam emails, which are generally not solicited and unwanted by users. These, once moved to the spam folder of your mailbox, are deleted automatically every 30 days. But if you also want to delete newsletters (newsletters, advertising emails, etc ..) from your inbox and you are looking for a software to get rid of those, Cleanfox is here for you!

Cleanfox is a website, an app, a fox! It shows all the newsletters (and their senders) present in your mailbox. This software, totally free, allows you to delete all your old emails and unsubscribe from newsletters that you are no longer interested in!

You can also read our article: Best Softwares To Block Internet Advertising

Clean your mailbox now!

Do you get hunders of newsletters that you don’t read? Cleanfox enables you to remove and block them with just one click.

rating cleanfox

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