How to get rid of newsletters and block spams

When visiting a company’s website, we are most of the time asked to subscribe to newsletters. It then becomes necessary to input your email address to confirm the subscription. Sometimes, a questionnaire or survey must be completed. Afterwards, we periodically receive emails coming from said company and these messages inform us about the company’s latest news and promotional offers. This is an excellent way to maintain relations with customers.

Spam, on the other hand, directly land in our inbox without our prior consent. Our email address was randomly collected and becomes a target for spammers. Furthermore, these undesirable emails are sent en masse to internet users, we can receive them daily as long as we haven’t blocked the sender.

Newsletters and spam both have an advertising character, they aim to increase the visibility of a company’s product. It must be known that spam can also be sent by an individual. Some newsletters can be assimilated to spam, especially when the data is shared with third companies.

The differences between spams and newsletters

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Spams and newsletters can both contain ads to make a new product of service known. Contrary to spams, newsletters are only sent to individuals who gave their prior consent. A company can share an user’s private data to their partners and they themselves can send newsletters. Thus, this approach is similar to spamming.

Contrary to spamsnewsletters contain an unsubscription link allowing users to unsubscribe at at any moment. They are periodically sent to targeted consumers while you can receive multiple spams from the same sender in a week. Additionally, spams are mostly centered around the same subject while the content of newsletters varies every time to follow the consumers needs.

The best anti-spam softwares

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Your anti-spam filters may not properly block the undesirable emails. Still, they can be very dangerous especially if they contain virus alerts or links sending you to roguish websites. Spams also consume your electronic resources and contribute to the numerical pollution.

Therefore, they must be regularly deleted and you should block your mailbox’s access to undesirable senders. Moreover, you can do these tasks manually or use an anti-spam solution. Some softwares such as Altospam, Bitdefender, McAfee… also grant you protection against viruses.

With MailInBlack, an intermediary server filters your messages before they reach your inbox. Anti-Spam 2019 guarantees your emails confidentiality by asking the sender to authentify himself before sending the message.

Manually delete your newsletters

Contrary to spamnewsletters must contain an unsubscription link. It is usually found in small letters at the bottom of the email and can escape the receivers’ attention. You simply need to click on said unsubscription link to stop receiving news from that specific company. In most cases, the unsubscription is followed by certain instructions. The company may ask you to complete a satisfaction investigation or ask for your advice to increase the quality of their services. Therefore, companies do everything in their power to retain customers. What should be a simple click to unsubscribe can transform in multiple time consuming questions. Also, your unsubscription may not be fully effective after answering the questionnaire and you will still keep on receiving emails. In this case, if the offer is really useless, the best solution is to block the sender. Then, his messages will land in the anti-spam filter and automatically be deleted after 30 days.

Rid your mailbox of newsletters in a single click with Cleanfox

Cleanfox is a free software designed to rapidly clean your mailbox. It identifies the spams and uninteresting newsletters and helps you definitely get rid of them. Furthermore, our start-up guarantees the security of your private data and does not send them to third parties. Therefore, you will not be targeted by companies after using this software.

Cleanfox sorts your messages based on the senders. In a single click, you can delete every email sent by a company or a spammer and unsubscribe in order to stop receiving them. Easy to use, this software is the ideal solution for the efficient cleaning of your mailbox.

Clean your mailbox now!

Do you get hunders of newsletters that you don’t read? Cleanfox enables you to remove and block them with just one click.

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